A viceroy, appointed by the king of spain managed each colony. In 2005 honduras signed cafta, a free trade agreement with the united states. Antologia del pensamiento critico hondureno contemporaneo. Dates for independence day honduras, 2020, 2021 and other years. During colonial times, spain had its american colonies divided in 4 huge vice royalties. Sep 15, 2016 honduras independence day is on september 15th. Ashley abad zuniga mejia tania lizet padilla curso.
The textbook is available digitally free of charge through june 30, 2020 to assist those affected by school closures. History of honduras the republic of honduras spans a territory of 112,492 square kilometers and has a population of 5. Situated in the torrid zone of the americas, its coasts are bathed by the waters of the atlantic ocean sea of the antilles and the pacific ocean gulf of fonseca. Have your students put the flip book together, and send it home so they can share it with their family.
It will organize your students ideas and lead into discussions on the practices of these 2 different hol. Reclaman su derecho al poder politico en las colonias. Libro digital, pdf antologias del pensamiento social. Tegucigalpa, honduras, countries in central america, vacation wishes.
It can be done as a class, pairs, individually, or for homework. Free world map with country names pdf latin america printable blank map south america brazil latin. Report by the truth and reconciliation commission of honduras pdf. Download the ios download the android app other related materials.